The Raja Ampat
SEACAM Center.

We are part­ne­ring with Sorido Bay Resort to bring pas­sio­na­te under­wa­ter pho­to­graph­ers to new shores by estab­li­shing the first SEACAM center in the world. Striking the perfect balance between premium camera equipment and the best under­wa­ter scenery, the new Raja Ampat SEACAM Center provides an oppor­tu­ni­ty to explore the world’s richest reefs with state-of-the-art accom­mo­da­ti­on and camera equipment. Stay at PADI 5‑Star Sorido Bay Resort, learn from the Pros and dive the richest reefs in the world—a true under­wa­ter photographer’s paradise.

It’s official! The center opens this August with the first workshop from Aug 25 to Sept 1, 2024!

Book your spot!

with the pros.

Gain exclusive access to creative and technical workshops led by world-renowned SEACAM ambassa­dors, covering macro and wide-angle pho­to­gra­phy, as well as digital darkroom tech­ni­ques that transform good images into great ones. We’re firm believers in good education and we want to provide you with the tools and tips to improve your skills in and outside the water. Our on-site tech team, as well as the dive guides and staff will be happy to assist you and advise you on all things under­wa­ter photography.

our products.

We have the newest equipment ready for you to use on site – and it doesn’t matter if you’re a new user, maybe plan on upgrading your system or just want to try it for fun. Our tech advisor will be happy to show you ever­y­thing there is to know, answer your questions and assist you on your dive. Feel free to take a closer look at our SEACAM housings, strobes, ports and macro gear on site and explore the under­wa­ter world with new eyes.

The Workshops

How this

The goal of the new Raja Ampat SEACAM center is to show pho­to­graph­ers how to get the very best images from their equipment, all while diving some of the very best reefs & seamounts in Raja Ampat. We’re creating a unique com­bi­na­ti­on of hands-on and practical tuition while diving superb sites and staying in a beautiful resort.

  • The workshop will take 7–10 days and will take place at Sorido Bay Resort, hosted and accom­pa­nied by SEACAM photographers.
  • Bookings will be done through Sorido Bay Resort, but we’ll be happy to answer any questions regarding the Raja Ampat SEACAM center in general.
  • Various topics will be covered in the workshops, from macro, wide-angle-macro and wideangle to specific questions.
  • Alongside the hands-on, on-site dive sessions, you will receive coaching and support on location as well as after the trip to make sure you get the best possible outcome from this exciting and trans­for­ma­ti­ve trip.

Each major topic (Macro, WAM & Wide-Angle pho­to­gra­phy) will be covered as follows:

Post breakfast session

  • in-classroom, covering the key points and agreeing on the objec­ti­ves for the in-water sessions that will follow
  • intro to theory and prac­ti­cal­i­ties around reaching the agreed in-water objectives
  • main­ten­an­ce, trou­ble­shoo­ting and equipment talk

Two in-water sessions per day

  • In-water sessions will be conducted at specific sites selected because of the avai­la­bi­li­ty of subject matter relevant to the agreed objectives.
  • On the boat, we’ll have plenty of space, a toilet and comes complete with a large worktable for camera equipment adjus­t­ments and technique discussions.
  • Ins­truc­tor available for in-water and above water tuition as required

Review Session

  • Afternoon review and critique of the day’s images and eva­lua­ti­on against the agreed objectives
  • Indi­vi­du­al coaching and problem solving tuition available as required

The Digital Darkroom

  • The key to great images is good ones captured in-camera while in the water – properly composed, properly exposed and all the available “digital data” recorded
  • At the pixel level modern digital cameras have incre­di­ble capa­bi­li­ty and digital darkroom tech­ni­ques using Lightroom and Photoshop can transform the foun­da­tio­nal “good” image into a truly “great” one
  • Early evening sessions will be conducted every day to show the attendees how to do that

On-Going Support

  • Each workshop attendee will receive one free of charge two-hour remote coaching session to review images, reinforce learning and general support

Are you ready to transform your photo skills and enjoy a dive trip of a lifetime? Request all the booking info right here.

More info about the Workshops Close
Our moti­va­ti­on


Precision, fle­xi­bi­li­ty and inno­va­ti­on: Combining these values has been SEACAM’s goal from the very beginning. Timeless design and ergonomic forms have been combined with state-of-the-art tech­no­lo­gy for 30 years. We also believe in the highest quality when it comes to travel and training – which is why it was so important to us to help create a space for pho­to­graph­ers to explore, expand their knowledge and enjoy the rare beauty of Raja Ampat.

Pioneers of Raja Ampat

Sorido Bay.

Sorido Bay Resort is a PADI 5‑Star Boutique Dive Resort, leading in con­ser­va­ti­on efforts in Raja Ampat. Offering comfort and luxury against the backdrop of the richest reefs in the world, Sorido Bay Resort is every under­wa­ter photographer’s dream. As pioneers of con­ser­va­ti­on and diving in Raja Ampat, Sorido Bay Resort is the perfect setting for under­wa­ter explo­ra­ti­on: The 9 luxury boutique bungalows each come with a private beach and veranda, AC, and personal camera rinsing and charging station.

Book your trip

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