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Updates from
the SEACAM world

Space saver: SEACAM View­fin­der plug

This new trans­pa­rent view­fin­der plug is perfect as a second option to your standard view­fin­der. Designed to be used on all current SEACAM housings, it will ensure an easy and acces­si­ble view onto the camera display of your Canon, Nikon, Sony or Leica camera.

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4.0 MICRO LENS and flip system

From now on, the motifs will be even larger and the work even easier, because our new achromat system has just launched! Today, let’s take a first look at the new close-up lens and the flip adapter system.

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Compact Power: Sony Alpha 1

With its extremely compact size, the SEACAM compact housing for the Sony Alpha 1 is ideally matched to the camera, making it the perfect tool for high per­for­mance and pro­fes­sio­nal photo and video quality under water.

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Ports: The optical interface

A variety of lenses and ports is essential for great pho­to­gra­phy – above and below water. Not only are they the key element of pho­to­gra­phic expres­si­on, they are the photographer’s most important resource.

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160Digital vs. 160Offshore

Due to the different requi­re­ments on the market, we decided on a regular 160 Digital and a 160Offshore strobe version with a few key dif­fe­ren­ces in the exterior design and many advan­ta­ges for tech diving or special expeditions.

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Nice view: SEACAM Viewfinders

SEACAM view­fin­ders are easy to handle and show you a clear, up to 3x enlarged view­fin­der image through the diving mask, making image com­po­si­ti­on much easier. Discover our versatile range of view­fin­ders here.

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