
Tools for
your SEACAM system.

When purcha­sing your SEACAM silver, your choice for quality, safety and design played an important role – trust SEACAM access­ories for the same reasons. All products are perfectly matched to your system and offer you tailor-made solutions for every situation and challenge.

Inquire right here.

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Achromat lenses
and flip system.

Together with the practical Double or Single Flip Adapter System, the SEACAM Achromats enlarge your object to scales of 2:1, 3:1 or 4:1. Together with our MIP microport you’ll get an even smaller under­wa­ter world in front of your lens and you can work flexibly in macro or super macro and without loss of quality.

Find all the info here!

Seaflash Access­ories

Flash arms
and joints.

Thanks to its inno­va­ti­ve con­s­truc­tion, the FLASHARM system offers enormous holding power and flexible adju­s­ta­bi­li­ty at a low weight. The unique com­bi­na­ti­on of aluminum tubes, brake discs and levers allows quick adjus­t­ment for every situation.

See all Seaflash Accessories

Paracord Lanyard

carry system.

Our paracord lanyard is the most flexible way to transport your housing on land – a braided carrying rope that can be variably attached to the joints of your flash arms with cara­bi­ners and special clips. You determine the length of the rope depending on the requi­re­ment and can choose the position individually.

Available in black and grey.

Carry System

In good

The t‑shaped, black aluminum carrying handle is easily attached to the thread on the top of the housing. You will carry your housing securely in your hand and can even mount up to 3 addi­tio­nal ball con­nec­tors on the handle for addi­tio­nal access­ories such as a GoPro or a lamp.

Safety first

Pro­tec­tion caps
and neoprene.

To protect your SEACAM equipment, we supply you with perfectly appro­pria­te and standard removable neoprene pro­tec­tion caps and neoprene bags with or without Velcro. For thread pro­tec­tion on ports, view­fin­ders and housings, we supply the cor­re­spon­ding pro­tec­ti­ve caps made of plastic as standard.

Available for housings, strobes, ports, flash arms and accessories.

Hold on tight


Specially adapted handles ensure that you have perfect control of your SEACAM silver housing under­wa­ter, even with smaller hands. Like the regular model, these special handles are made of high-quality syn­the­tics and are included with your housing or retro­fit­ted at a later date.