face to face

the surface.

Growing up, Tobias loved following the adven­tures of Captain Jacques-Yves Cousteau on his Calypso and admiring the under­wa­ter world. No wonder that he turned his passion for the under­wa­ter world into a career and is now a suc­cessful pro­fes­sio­nal pho­to­grapher working all over the world.

fasci­na­ti­on under water

From Greenland
to Indonesia.

Tobias feels at home in all waters: from below zero to 30 ° Celsius – as long as there’s fasci­na­ting motifs, he’s there. For several years he has been sharing his passion for under­wa­ter pho­to­gra­phy with inte­res­ted pho­to­graph­ers at inter­na­tio­nal workshops and giving lectures on his work as a pro­fes­sio­nal under­wa­ter pho­to­grapher and author.

SEACAM is an essential part of my work. I’ve found a partner who always gua­ran­tees func­tion­a­li­ty and usability, even in extreme situations.

Tobias Friedrich 
More about


Tobias Friedrich lives in Germany and is one of the world’s most awarded under­wa­ter pho­to­graph­ers. His images are published in pres­ti­gious magazines and news­pa­pers worldwide and he is always open to new exciting expe­di­ti­ons and projects. Tobias also really enjoys giving lectures and hosts inter­na­tio­nal workshops on under­wa­ter photography.

Head to Tobias’ Website