face to face

on the shutter.

There are only a few diving desti­na­ti­ons that he doesn’t know: Gerald Nowak is one of the most widely published diving and nature jour­na­lists in Germany and his pictures regularly adorn the pages of well-known publi­ca­ti­ons. From the icy Lake Baikal to the tropics – Gerald knows the under­wa­ter world like no other.

Traveling worldwide

of the deep.

Ver­sa­ti­li­ty is Gerald’s greatest strength. Not only can he pull the trigger at the right time in a dry suit at 0° in ice water, he also has a steady hand with very special macro and super macro motifs. The result is an incre­di­bly large coll­ec­tion of pro­fes­sio­nal-quality images that’s hard to find anywhere else.

Extreme con­di­ti­ons are often the greatest challenge – espe­ci­al­ly for the equipment. My SEACAM system has never let me down.

Gerald Nowak 
More about


Gerald Nowak lives and works in Germany. Together with his wife Sibylle he travels the world as a freelance jour­na­list and pho­to­grapher, gives lectures and organizes photo trips. His work is regularly printed in well-known German and inter­na­tio­nal publi­ca­ti­ons as well as used in non-fiction books and travel guides.

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