Renee Capozzola

meets Art.

Ever since she started her pro­fes­sio­nal career as an under­wa­ter pho­to­grapher, Renee inspires enthu­si­asm at com­pe­ti­ti­ons, exhi­bi­ti­ons and publi­ca­ti­ons worldwide, espe­ci­al­ly with her impres­si­ve half and half shots and wide-angle pho­to­gra­phy. Her work has evolved into a fasci­na­ting com­bi­na­ti­on of artistic talent, an affinity for oil painting and her pro­fes­sio­nal back­ground in biology.

mission & vision

Protect what
you love.

As a Southern Cali­for­nia native, the ocean has always been a large part of Renee’s life.  Since she started scuba diving in 2004, she has been to some of the most remote parts of the world and developed a true app­re­cia­ti­on for marine organisms with her diver­si­fied travels. Renee believes that striking images help increase awareness of our fragile marine eco­sys­tems and encourage others to help protect our oceans.

I am always trying to capture the best images I can and require a housing that is not only reliable but can also accom­mo­da­te varied shooting situa­tions. I really app­re­cia­te the high-precision of SEACAM housings which are beau­tiful­ly made and of the highest quality.

Renee Capozzola 
More about


The enthu­si­a­stic biologist travels the world on photo trips, gives lectures, and acts as a judge in numerous well-known com­pe­ti­ti­ons. Her images have won over fifty inter­na­tio­nal accolades including Under­wa­ter Pho­to­grapher of the Year 2021 from the UPY Com­pe­ti­ti­on and Blancpain’s Female Fifty Fathoms Award from the Ocean Pho­to­gra­phy Awards. Her work has been fre­quent­ly featured in major magazines and media including National Geo­gra­phic, Alert Diver, Ocean Geo­gra­phic, BBC News, CNN and USA Today. When Renee’s not in the water with her camera, she likes to travel with her family or talk to fellow divers and nature lovers about con­ser­va­ti­on and under­wa­ter photography.

Go to Renee’s Website

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