face to face


Over the years, Pasquale Vassallo’s passion for the sea has developed into a strong urge to explore. The studied marine rese­ar­cher is now a full-time under­wa­ter pho­to­grapher and his work regularly receives inter­na­tio­nal awards and publications.

Nature first


Always with the envi­ron­ment at heart, it is important to Pasquale to not only show the beautiful sides of the under­wa­ter world. With pictures that shake up one or the other, he wants to encourage people to do more to protect the under­wa­ter world and its beauty.

My SEACAM housings are ergonomic, precise and robust – I can always rely on my gear and work smoothly in any environment.

Pasquale Vassallo 
more about


Pasquale Vassallo lives and works in Naples, Italy. He is not only a pas­sio­na­te diver and explorer, but also a marine biologist who is par­ti­cu­lar­ly inte­res­ted in and committed to the ecosystem in his home waters in the Gulf of Naples. His pictures and articles have already been published in well-known inter­na­tio­nal magazines and have won prizes and com­pe­ti­ti­ons worldwide.

Go to Pasquale’s Website